GTA V Blood edition

GTA V Blood edition
I am a big fan of The Grand Theft Auto series everyday i played GTA V..........until now.
One day in friday 13 october 2013 I was walking down my street when i saw  a paper posted
on a telephone pole saying "get GTA V for only $6.66 just follow this address" then it showed me an address.I always wanted
to play GTA V But i never got it before because i didn't get a lot of money so i was obviously excited to get it for such a low price.
So i quickly ran home and got in my car and drove to the address and the house looked like it was abandoned So i knocked on the door
looking at the house number saying 666.A old creepy man opened the door and i said hello but the man just said "The game" So i thought nothing
and followed him into the house.He took me to his basement What i thought was wierd was that we were passing pictures of Pentagrams Which i
thought was a little creepy but i thought nothing of it.Soon we where in the basement and he pulled out a case and gestured his hand for the money
so i gave him his $6.66 and i was so excited that i didnt care what the cover looked like.I ran to my car with a permanent smile and drove home.when i got
home i went to my ps3 and finally looked at my new GTA V game but the cover made me almost shit my pants. all of the peoples eyes where black and blood
teared down they're eyes and under the title it said blood edition so i decided to play it when the loading screen came i saw a horrible picture that made my heart
skip a beat.The game finally loaded with micheal in a dark room sitting at a desk with hyper realistic organs on it.It slowly zoomed into micheals face then he quickly
looked at the screen with a loud high pitch scream and Micheal had hyper realistic black eyes with hyper realistic blood running down his eyes then the screen went
to black for 6 minutes Before tuning into a mission where i had to chase down trevor playing as Micheal but what was weird was that every time Micheal walked a step
hyper realistic blood trailed behind him.eventually i caught up with Trevor and again the screen went to black then went to a seen where Micheal was hyper realistically
chopping Trevor up into little pieces then Micheal started eating parts of Trevor.Then again the screen cut to black then it went to another mission where Micheal covered in hyper
realistic blood had to kill Franklin i took out a RPG and killed Franklin then it went to a black screen then it went to a ending screen where it showed Micheal stood in front of Trevor's
hyper realistic chopped up bits and Franklins hyper realistic corpse And in Blood red text saying "Thank you for playing our Game" and i never played a Grand Theft Auto game again.
                                                                              THE END.
How the cover looked: